
[Heart]broken is as [Heart]broken Does ..

.. Probably one of the most [emotionally] painful 10 letters that can be felt. For some it can be a great learning experience. As some individuals learn their worth by being heartbroken, or someone else may learn that their actions are a bigger deal then they had previously assumed. For others, it is a period of their life that could change them forever. Changing how they approach and deal with individuals, this even goes for those they may not even see in a romantic nature.

♥ A ¹ ♥ B
As no two people are the same, neither are two hearts. No two hearts will be able to use the same exact method of healing in order to live as if the heartbreak didn't happen. To attempt to live life prior to the inflicted pain ... I discovered this as I conversed with a friend of mine who had been intensely hurt by previous friend/relationships. Their conclusion was simply that; they will never have a close friendship to the point that they are vulnerable. Nor will they ever have a healthy relationship,as falling in love is no longer even an option.

EmoTioNal RollErcoAsteR . . . .
I have no problem with admitting that my emotions are the biggest influence in my life. I've been IN love (once only), head over my heels about someone, depressed, on cloud nine, furious (that's a nice word for being a bitch) ... I've probably even shown signs of being manic at some point. But what I still hold dear to my heart is the possibility of finding a true love. People often forget that love is not perfect. Although it may be unconditional, there are still dark nights ... These dark nights, and the presence of imperfections are what illustrate the meaning of unconditional love.
How do you know when something is real, if it is never tested?

There will be a PART TWO .. discussing how Love, Math, and Insanity are often one in the same. Remember:

Insanity: Doing the same this over and over again and expecting different results.

- Albert Einstein.


Talk About a Comeback.

I'm sure everyone saw Chris Brown's Performance at the 2010 BET Awards. After being rejected to participate last year for the tribute the last Micheal Jackson: The KING of Pop, Graffiti Breezy obviously made it his main objective to put the crowd in total awe this year. And no, I'm not going to comment on him crying. I feel as though it stemmed from various reasons.

Very Emotional but Awesome Performance, Kudos.

"Don't let yours fears of what people might think stop you from doing something you where designed to do..." -@SmoothCalmChris


just 50% ..

forbidden fruit ..
what i wouldn't pay for that night again
your intricate mind attracts me beyond belief
and I. Want. More.

body shaped to elicit allegiance
.. but to your own utopia
i solemnly swear to you i'd give you;
everything you want
and passion you never knew you yearned for.

quenching every seductive thirst you've fathomed
and satisfying every possible taste you've ever craved.

i can tell you're my flavor

and i ain't even dip yet ..


the Gift of all Gifts ..

would you ever give someone a gift before thoroughly examining its contents?

before giving something to someone you have to make sure nothing is broken, or even flawed. when you present someone with a gift you make sure its perfect, this is a reflection of how much you care about this person. more so, this is a reflection of you. this means that it must be given at the perfect time in the most flawless way possible.

if this is the case for gifts; then why are we so quick to give away our hearts?
"i love you" expressed to all those we swear we just can't live without. this is the most sacred entity that we have and we give it away as if it can be easily replaced. before we understand all of its contents we are more than willing to give it away to someone who has potential not even appreciate it.

why are we willing to do whatever it takes to prove to someone that they would be happier with us? reassuring that all needs will be made because of our love. why does love cost so much money? why do we not realize our own worth? *wait! i can answer that one.

--> because we are not willing to take the time and get to know ourselves before we give ourselves to someone who is emotionally (and probably physically) appealing. there's been so many times i've heard someone say "i'll never find anyone else like them, so i have to hold on". if this person isn't giving you their all and reciprocating the same "love" you present to them, then why exactly would you want to find someone else like them again..?


Jill Scott - My Love

love may take breaks, but never is it completely over. . .

Jill Scott - My Love

Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jillscott/mylove.html


off the top.

so i have theee most boring job ever, and i decided to go through all my fb statuses. and here are a few favorites i found.


Jan 31st;
kinda drew, and is steadily coming to the realization that in this thing called life, there are no erasers. only do we have mere concealers, which attempt to hide an action in that we wish never was... a new day doesn't always bring a new beginning.

Jan 26th;
"..i can feel my heart attempting to transcribe what has been chiseled upon it, my brain gulps at the thought of understanding.." - ♥

Jan 14;
RAWSE! IMA BAWSEEE .. u talkin to a BAWSEEE .. i don wanna rap, i don wanna rap .. RAWSE RAWSE! ima snitch .. lol

.. sn i've come across at least 3 "..bonita applebaum, you got it goin on.." statuses. i gotta chill b eazy. lol


Dec 2nd
. . . e c i f i r c a s - [10x's fast.]

Dec 1st
studying > $$$ .. my math adds up.

Nov 16th
“Understand that most problems are a good sign. Problems indicate that progress is being made, wheels are turning, you are moving toward your goals. Beware when you have no problems. Then you've really got a problem... Problems are like landmarks of progress.”- scott alexander.

Oct 15th
needs everyone to remember this: "..disappointment is bound to set you back, but failure is when you allow it to STOP you.." - me ..

Oct 4th
"..No one can go back and make a brand new start. Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending..." and with that being said ... let the games begin

Aug 22nd
-- the person who says "yall crazy 4 thinkin im crazy" is usually the crazy one lol

June 13th
-- "..happy unites, &feelings take flight, blind to the evils you give them no sight.." ♥

June 4th
-- writers block for a poet, is like heartbreak for a romantic.. like wtf..

May 14th
-- hm. i guess to truly find yourself you do have to be exposed to that which is uncomfortable, becuz whos to know.. your greatest fear could end up being your strongest attribute. Twitter: Nitax_Utopia

May 12
-- “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

.. had to stop there lol, i got sooo many other things i could b doing.


i just crush a lot....

and what i appreciated the most was the full moon..

the illumination beautified my loves face..
as the shadows contrasted, and symbolized his yang
captivating me but also reticent
he shared everything he was..

..without saying one word.

perfect conclusion to a crystal clear night.

my yin yearns for him
although opposites were meant to attract..
i can't help but love this carbon copy of me

escapades that allowed my heart to escape...
the past has exhibited the darkest of days.
while my present has proved the future will encase;

.. nights of purity
and afternoons of bliss
evenings filled with serenity
ending with the perfect midnight kiss.

you began my day by complimenting it.

appreciative of my beauty
when the rheum has yet to be removed.
morning glory you are..

but what i remember most.. is the full moon.
full eclipse of my day with you



it's been a while since i've written in my blog, or "blogged" of you will. and life has of course been a freakin rollercoaster in the mean time. physically and mentally i've changed a lot, and still ready for more changes. :) ..during the school year i never have time to actually post shxt, i hardly write unfortunately. so my blogspot may turn into a summer thing, just to put things in perspective.

there's a lot of things that i want to touch on, just random thoughts and stuff ya know;

* attraction based on position in a birth line; (like being the oldest, middle, youngest)
* is having no strict (physical) image healthy..
* i'll incorporate sex somewhere in here..
* what a healthy relationship is in my eyes..

.. and of course more. soooo #legooooooo