
Geeez. I Been Slackin ..

I work tooooo much .. So I haven't really been writing that much.. So I'm gonna try and act like I still care about my site .. This is pretty old, but makes me laugh. Soooo here ya go .......

I'm allaway tryna wife bul too ..


g0 Slow...

I can picture it rather clear…
the bed stripped before I
clothing and sheets thrown to the sideline
you promised me the perfect ride ..

you enter with high manner
accepting your invitation .. you proceed
initially you take your time
but as I consent
the tempo alters …
you’ve never held me this way before

in sync .. as our hips kiss
my ankles and heels hug you
holding on tight so you don’t lose me ..
as your body pulses to mine
my nails create maps along your spine

even if requested ..
I couldn’t break this hold
we’ve been at this quite a while
this has yet to get old
your grasp is getting tighter
my eyes rolled

my head is beginning to feel lighter and lighter…

My mind is a blank canvas
and right now you’re painting the perfect picture
an artist you are…
you sculpt my body to echo yours


you entice me


fav songs. def in top 5.

Jazmine Sullivan absolutely killed this song, great melody .. awesome lyrics. I can listen to this song over and over. I would never want this to happen in real life though ;)



mlitemsat ..

new new shxt .. [started 3.12, finished 4.21]

a sight for soar eyes..
youll always be considered top prize
the attraction is mutual ..

this love is so unusual ..

your body is a reflection of mine
inversive .. but as we connect
we're perfectly aligned ..
have i told you already ?

youre a sight for soar eyes
but just as everything else ..
our project may never be complete
by our lust we are defeated.

" i was a hustla and a playa [boy] "
but this occured post our introduction
in concordance w. my body
you've shaped my person ..

mission aborted
this never ending brigade
.. sadly shouldnt have started

my poor eyes
oh so soar, correlated w. my smile
not sure if ive opened a previously sealed jar
sips ever so often ..

maybe one more time will quench my thirst ..



People say dreams are the perfect reality…
everything that should be, is..

The resonance of your voice..
it protects my reasoning..
But your presence, absent
.. thoughts arise of me and him..

you tell me to ride the crests..
of the waves that you create
reliance and hope submerses through
.. but still as a shield..
I protect myself from you

.. you my wife
husband of yours i am ..

perfection is possible
sadly its hardly probable
emotion may be present, but
.. sounds fictitious when verbal

Dreams are the perfect reality
everything that should be, is
I dreamt of you last night
but you were still hers…
and I was his

finished ? ... cant be
i still have more to say
from my heart i attempt " deepness "
simply to get you to stay..


my intro.

i can be very quiet or short-worded, however you want to put it.
but i'm one that absolutely loves to realize things. particularly things about myself. and having the opportunity to express those realizations. greatest feeling in the world.
call me egocentric if you want :)

been 19 for 'bout 2 months. just recently cut, ehh i'm gonna say about 7 or so inches of my hair. been in and out of a relationship. gotten good and bad grades. spent a shxtload of money. learned a few new things. made a lot of new friends. possibly lost of few good ones in the process. been happy, been sad. gotta say, this has been a great two months.

This is my introduction to you. In the future, as I do plan to keep this blog for a while this may also end up being an introduction to newer version of myself.

Welcome to my personal progress report